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Midterm Reflections
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This class is a mixture of multiculturism, literature circle ideas, and writing, which I suppose do tend to merge together at various points.  We have not yet addressed material from the text, but after reading some of the chapters, I have discovered the information is a repeat of information embedded in most of the other UNM classes.
There seems to be no best way to study about the class subject of diversity other than through direct experience.  No book or class is going to really teach me about how to interact with others within society.  And I believe that is why we are given such a hodegpodge of information and experiences so that we become more attuned to the issues facing us right now in the classrooms and in life.  End of sermon.
I am inclined to believe that my grade should be an 'A', as I have gone out of my way to research and explore further, aspects of diversity and how to reach kids at their level of ability.    

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