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"I AM"

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a poem

I am a mother of two children.
I am still a child inside.
I am a seeker of knowledge.
I am a reader of books.
I am a writer of words.
I am a listener of music
I am a child of the farm and country.
I am from hard work and sweat and bountiful gardens.
I am someone who likes to walk barefoot in the mud.
I am a protector of the land, of the sea, and of the air.
I am a builder of straw buildings and plasterer of walls.
I am from community and sharing and helping one another.
I am from a family of seven, the middle child of five children.
I am my mother's child and someone's grandchild.
I am a descendent from an ancestor of the country of Germany.
I am from homemade quilts, cold winters, and hot chocolate.
I am from truth and kindness and loving.
I am me.

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